Photos From Downtown Dayton Ohio

by | Sep 6, 2010 | Featured, Photography | 5 comments

This year I’ve made a concerted effort to get out and take more photos – I’m pretty proud of myself in that regard.  Labor day weekend gave me one of the last opportunities for the year to get out and get some photos in the downtown Dayton area.  Be sure and click on the photos for a larger, gallery view.

This first photo is very meaningful to me and brings up a lot of emotions.  A very similar image to the one below is a vivid memory for me from my first interview with the company that would hire and relocate me from where I was living in Grand Rapids Michigan – that was back in December of 1997.  I flew in to Dayton International Airport, rented a car, and drove down I-75 South to the Main St. Exit.  When you turn right off the exit, and cross the Main St. bridge, you get this view as you enter downtown Dayton Ohio.

Here’s the view about a block north on Main St. – fortunately, there wasn’t much traffic on a Sunday evening:

Just a few blocks West of Main street is the Riverscape area.  This sculpture which captures the Orville and Wilbur Wright’s historic first flight is one of my favorites – a nice reminder of Dayton’s fantastic aviation hertitage:

The fountains of Riverscape:

Apologies to  my friend John Rigano for this final sunset photograph – it was inspired by a shot he took last year which took third place in a photograph contest held by the City of Dayton.


All of the above photos were taken with a tripod mounted Canon 5D Mark II set for bracketed exposures and a Canon 17-40L lens.  The RAW files were processed and combined for HDR in Photoshop CS5, then tone mapped in PhotoEngine.


  1. frank heath

    What a great series of Downtown Dayton photos , I grew up spending a lot of time in the downtown area, these shots are dear to my heart.

  2. JBHII

    Thanks a bunch Frank! If you’d like larger size versions of any of these photos, don’t hesitate to ask. 🙂

  3. Sam Warden

    Great post, and great photographs, I am actually interested in getting in touch with John Rigano regarding a photo he took of the Dayton skyline at night. I would be interested in purchasing it. Can you point me in his direction. Thanks for any help.

  4. Andrew Mathias

    I was looking for a photo of Dayton. I wondered if i could have your permission to use it on my cpa website?

    Thanks, Andrew

  5. John B. Holbrook, II

    My photography is available for purchase – I’ll send an email.


  1. Photos From Downtown Dayton>>>>>>> - [...] Got out Sunday night and went downtown. Not a lot of people around - it was great! Photos From…