I Got Some Photos Of Our Cars This Weekend

by | Jun 7, 2011 | Automotive, Featured

Admittedly, these photos are a little unexciting because it was overcast on Sunday evening.  But, the Spring landscaping/mulching had been done, and both cars were detailed.  So I decided to shoot a few photos of my wife’s 2005 Acura TL, and my 2011 BMW 335i.  I got my car in April and I’m STILL waiting on a decently sunny weekend go go downtown and take some proper photos of my new car…hopefully I’ll get the chance while it’s still a new car…..but who knows with this weather.

Here’s the photos – just click on them to make them larger:

More (and more exciting) photos coming….eventually….<sigh>.



  1. Need some advice from the pro-level car shooters here>>>>> - Luxury4Play.com - [...] the pro-level car shooters here>>>>> Hey guys, Take a look at these photos: I Got Some Photos Of Our…
  2. My BMW 335i with my wife's Acura TL>>>>> - Luxury4Play.com - [...] but the cars were detailed and the mulch in front of the house was fresh, so the camera came…