I’m Jumping Into The Mac World: I Ordered The New MacBook Pro 15″ Laptop

by | Mar 10, 2011 | Featured, Mac | 8 comments

Screen Capture From Apple.com

I’ve always been a PC guy.  Well, I take that back…my very first computer was a Commodore 64 back in 1985.  But my next computer was a true-blue IBM 286, and I’ve had at least 10 desktops, and about 4 laptops since then – all PCs.  For as long as I could remember, PCs were considered “serious” machines, and Macs were for the artsy-fartsy types who had to be “different.”  Oh sure…as a photographer and photo editor, I’ve always been told that graphics and photo editing were tasks best left to a Mac.  But it wasn’t until I made the jump to the iPhone three years ago, that I started giving Apple products any serious consideration.  Fast forward to about two weeks ago when I found that my corporations tax liability wasn’t quite as hateful as I had expected – so I had some funds available for “capital improvements” and decided to refresh my laptop – my current Sony Vaio was a bit underpowered when it came to photo and video.  When I did my comparison shopping, Apple had just released the new 2011 MacBook Pro laptops, and the stats were impressive.  Unfortunately, so was the price – about $600.00 more than a comparably configured Dell XPS 15…not including software I’d have to re-purchase on the Mac platform, like Photoshop.  I like the looks and battery life of the MacBook alot, but couldn’t justify the price difference for what little I use a laptop for.  So I placed an order into Dell for a high end XPS 15.  And I began waiting…and waiting.  For two weeks, I daily checked the online status of my order…all the while the status never changed from “in production.”  For two weeks it stayed “in production.”  I finally called to see if they could give me a more detailed explanation of the status, and found out it wasn’t actually “in production” – it was on back order awaiting parts from their vendors.  I was more than a little upset that the website status was not more forthcoming with this information.  They assured me that if I waited another two days and called back, they could give me a better estimate of when it would be completed.  Not that it was going to be completed in two days….ohhhh no.  That they’d be able to tell me how many more days I’d have to wait….if I waited another two days.  I promptly canceled my order and decided to go “big Willy” and pay extra for the new MacBook Pro 15.  Here’s the specs of the model I ordered:

MBP 15.4/2.0/CTO
Ships: 1 – 3 business days
Part Number: Z0LZ












With the following configuration:
PROCESSOR 065-0293 2.0GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7
MEMORY 065-0094 8GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM – 2x4GB
HARD DRIVE 065-0549 500GB Serial ATA Drive @ 7200
OPTICAL DRIVE 065-0102 8x Double-Layer SuperDrive
DISPLAY 065-0105 MBP 15″HR Antiglare WS Display
DVI Adapter 065-0106 None
VGA Adapter 065-0108 None
REMOTE 065-0110 None
Apple Software – iWork 065-7672 No iWork preinstalled
Apple Software – Final Cut Exp 065-7674 No Final Cut Express preinstd
Apple Software – Aperture 065-7673 No Aperture Preinstalled
Apple Software – Logic Express 065-7675 No Logic Express Preinstalled
Apple Software – Filemaker 065-8307 No FileMaker Preinstalled
Apple Software – MS Office 065-8198 No MSO preinstalled
KEYBOARD AND DOCUMENTATION 065-0116 Keyboard/Users Guide
COUNTRY KIT 065-0119 Country Kit

The only feature I wish it had which my canceled Dell XPS 15 had is Blu-Ray – perhaps some day soon Apple will make a Blu-Ray player for the MacBook and I can upgrade.

I should have it in my hot little hands in less than a week.  I’m looking forward to seeing how I adjust to this new Mac world.  Stay tuned!  🙂


  1. frank heath

    Glad to see you make the “leap-o-faith” to Mac. I know in your hands , just like your firearms, you will make it “sing like a bird”.

    You have Rigano for ” tech support”

  2. JBHII

    Thanks Frank – I’m having big fun with it and learning a lot!

  3. John Tully

    Here’s my configuration:

    MBP 15.4/CTO

    PROCESSOR 065-0092 2.2GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7

    MEMORY 065-0093 4GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM – 2x2GB

    HARD DRIVE 065-0549 500GB Serial ATA Drive @ 7200

    OPTICAL DRIVE 065-0102 8x Double-Layer SuperDrive

    DISPLAY 065-0103 MBP 15″ Glossy WS Display

    DVI Adapter 065-0106 None

    VGA Adapter 065-0108 None

    REMOTE 065-0110 None

  4. John Tully

    I used to feel the same way about Apples but I finally gave in yesterday. Love your website; which WordPress template is this or is it custom?
    Keep in touch

    @Tullycast on Twitter

  5. JBHII

    Thanks John – I looked up your IMDB page by the way….VERY impressive career! My WordPress theme was purchased from http://www.elegantthemes.com/ – I’ve received many compliments on it.

  6. JBHII

    Very similar to mine. Looks like you went with less memory, but a faster processor. You might be interested in this YouTube video I recorded about sharing my MacBook Pro with the rest of my desktop resources: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7TLSGF2ZqQ

  7. Mike

    I moved to Mac about 4 years ago and have no regret. My wife loves her iMac and I love my MBP. Prior to retiring, I was a director of IT at a very large University. We had Windows box’s for desktops. Way too may issues. Hope you enjoy your Mac as much as I’ve enjoyed mine.

  8. someinternetdude

    You’ll never look back, I switched three years ago. I wonder till this day why I didn’t do it sooner. I have the same one, but i did the Glossy screen. Your going to love it. And welcome to the side where things just work, as opposed to spending half the time updating all that virus software.


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