My First Time Shooting My AR-15 From 200 Yards

by | Mar 21, 2012 | Featured, Firearms | 1 comment

As I talked about in my post earlier this week, I was recently able to finish buying and assembling all the components I wanted for my S&W M&P 15.  This past weekend was absolutely gorgeous – uncharacteristically so for mid-March here in Ohio (I’m certainly not complaining).  So I was able to take my AR-15 out to the Miamisburg Sportmen’s Club for the first outdoor shooting session of the year.

I started out shooting prone on my new Voodoo Tactical Padded Premium Deluxe Shooter’s Shooting Mat (review coming soon!) at the 50 yard range:

It took me a few rounds to get my optics re-zeroed, after which I got satisfactory results:

Next up was the 100 yard range:

This was only my 2nd time shooting on the 100 yard range here at the club (I’ve shot at 100 yards on a handful of other times at other facilities and in a training class last year).  Here’s my results:

This next target photo you’ll see I took another three shots which landed in a line near the bullseye area.  The other rounds were done at more rapid rates of fire – clearly I need more practice doing rapid fire.  🙂

My final stop was at the 200 yard range at the club – the longest distance range our club has to offer.  This would be my first attempt at shooting at 200 yards – last year I had the opportunity to shoot at 175 yards during a tactical rifle course I took.

200 yards (2 football fields) is a looong ways away:

My targets – two 6″ round targets pasted to two 8.5×11 pieces of paper.

Comparing this experience to my previous one, I was shooting at much smaller targets, at 25 yards further distance.  This time however I was using an Aimpoint 3x magnifier.  Here’s the results of the first series of six shots:

I would have like to have been “in the black” on all six shots.  But two on the right target were outsize the black zone, though I manged to (barely) stay on the 8.5×11″ piece of paper.  So I was combat accurate at least with all shots.  I shot 3 rounds at one more target:

Though I pulled one of the shots quite left (just off paper), I was very pleased to have one go dead center.  🙂  My equipment seems to be doing well – I just need some additional practice.  Considering it’s only March, I think it’s going to be a good year.

Do let me know what you think in the comments below!

1 Comment

  1. Andrew

    Awesome! Looks like you had a great time.