Photos of the Ongoing Renovation of Our House

by | Mar 6, 2011 | Featured, House Photos | 3 comments

We bought our current house at the end of 2006 – it was a bank owned, repossessed property.  A “fixerupper.”  I’m not really a “fixerupper” kind of guy – that’s my wife’s domain.  It was amusing to watch all the contractors we hired to help with renovations walk past her and approach me for their marching orders….they always got sent right back to her.

In any event, I wanted to keep a log of before and after photos documenting the work we’ve done to the property.  This is a work in progress (both the house and this post).  Here’s some pretty current photos of how the house looks today:

Here’s what the house looked like before we purchased it in 2006 – note the dramatic difference in the landscaping.  Landscaping is of special interest to my wife and she with the help of her brother and father did all of the landscaping work:

The previous owner apparently had a thing for orange:

So, one of the first thing we did was to re-paint the front door and the shutters:

Here’s a shot of the back of the house, which I believe is from the first Summer after we moved in.  We’ve stained the deck and fence recently so I need to get some updated photos this Spring:

The back yard is good sized and a great place for us to play with our dogs:

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  1. Janie Wells

    Beautiful, I will make sure your dad gets to see your renovations…great job….Janie….

  2. JBHII

    Thanks Janie!

  3. Gerard

    Wow John, looking mighty good.
    Enjoy your new bathroom.

    All the best from the Netherlands
