Photos Of Our Dogs From Memorial Day Weekend 2012

by | May 30, 2012 | Featured, Pets

Memorial Day weekend here in Ohio was sunny and uncharacteristically warm – lots of great family time was had at the pool, grilling out, and seeing movies.  Spending time playing with our dogs in the back yard is also something we enjoy during warmer weather.  We usually wait until the late afternoon/evening when it’s cooler for them.  The evening light is also perfect for taking photos!

The following were taken with the Canon EOS 5D Mark III fitted with a Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM lens.  Due to the heat (we’ve seen the upper 90’s) and lack of rain, the back yard isn’t in the best of shape.  And we’ve had some fence pieces replaced from wind damage this Spring…I’m told they have to season before they can be stained to match the rest of the fence.  But I think there’s still a few good photos here – as always, just click on the image for a larger version.

The Lab twins are four years old now, but still race and frolic like a pair of puppies:

Our Rottweiler Caesar is a year older but he’s playful in his own way…he much prefers to play fetch with a ball:

The Labs like to play with toys too, but nothing beats chasing each other in the back yard and scrapping with one another:

Caesar usually finds a nice shady spot in the yard and watches the show that the Labs put on:

My wife Karen keeps the dogs on a very strict, all-protein diet (Origin dog food) which keeps them looking and feeling great.

I still can’t help but wonder where those Labs get all that energy from?

But even Labs get tuckered out eventually….

I hope you enjoyed the photos!

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  1. Got some great photos of our dogs over the holiday weekend>>>>>>> - [...] the holiday weekend>>>>>>> Check 'em out and let me know your thoughts! Photos Of Our Dogs From Memorial Day…