I’ve already gone on record as saying that I thought the whole drop safe issue was wildly and hugely overblown by the media. As such, I was in no hurry to send in any of my firearms to do the voluntary upgrade. But when Summer rolled around, I found myself mostly carrying my SIG P365 (easy to pocket carry with shorts) anyway so it seemed like a good time to send in my black P320 Compact to SIG for the voluntary upgrade process. The bummer for those of us who upgraded our triggers is that SIG doesn’t send you back your upgraded trigger parts – meaning if you wanted to keep your PELT trigger (in order to send it back to Grayguns for a free PELT II exchange), you’d need to return your P320 to stock configuration before sending it to SIG for the voluntary upgrade. . At one time, Grayguns was going to be able to do the voluntary upgrade themselves for PELT trigger owners, and install the PELT 2. Alas for whatever reason, that didn’t work out. So I tore down my P320 Compact, removed the trigger, and packaged up the parts (Pro Tip: No need to send an assembled FCU to SIG for voluntary upgrade – you can send them the whole gun completely disassembled if you wish) and shipped it back to SIG. I then followed the Grayguns process for shipping back my PELT trigger and got back a PELT 2 a couple of weeks later. Once my competition season was over, I had time to change out the factory trigger and install the PELT II. I’m a SIG Certified P320 Armorer, so I could legitimately do the trigger swap and keep my factory warranty. Former Team SIG shooter and all-around great guy in the SIG community Alma Cole has some great tutorial videos on his YouTube channel (just search for Alma Cole). But installation of the PELT 2 was WAY easier than the original PELT due to there not being any springs to replace.
The biggest difference I can see between the original PELT and the PELT 2 is what you get in the package. With the original PELT, you received a trigger and some replacement springs. With the PELT II, you only received a replacement trigger. Apparently, the modifications made to the FCU which SIG made to address the drop safe issue negated the need for the springs. What I’m not entirely sure about is whether the PELT 2 trigger will provide the same level of improvement as the original PELT. Here’s a five-pull average of my factory SIG P320 trigger post voluntary upgrade – 6lbs,4.6oz:
I did another five-pull average after installing the PELT 2 and this is what I got – 5 lbs.,14.4oz:
The reduction was only about 6.2 oz (16 oz=1 lb.) I called Grayguns and they said this was pretty unusual as they normally see about a 2lb. reduction in the trigger pull weight with the PELT 2. For comparison, when I did the installation of the original PELT, my trigger went from a factory 7lbs., 3.6oz. to 4lbs., 13.5 oz. – a reduction of 2lbs., 6.1oz.
Why was the reduction in pull weight on my gun so much less than what Grayguns typically sees? Unknown. Why did I see better results from the original PELT trigger vs. the PELT 2? Also unknown – there’s simply not enough sample data to show trends and make conclusions. In the below video I recorded, I compare the PELT and PELT 2 triggers on camera – there are some differences between the triggers in both pre and post travel which does make me prefer the feel of the PELT 2 over the PELT. Ultimately, I like a CCW/defensive handgun to have a pull weight between 4 and 5 lbs. My PELT 2 equipped P320 Compact now has a pull weight in the high 5lb. range which isn’t ideal, but is within an acceptable range for me and I’m absolutely certain I’ll see at least a 1/2 pound. to maybe a full 1 pound further reduction in pull weight with use over time. So I definitely do recommend the PELT 2 trigger to any owner of a variant of the SIG P320 – it’s only $79.00 and about 10 minutes of your time to perform the trigger swap. And chances are quite good the results I saw in the trigger swap on my personal gun are atypical – most people should see much better results.
Here’s the video supplement to this written photo review which I recorded: