Before I discuss the class curriculum for Tactical Rifle II (TR-II), let me go into a brief discussion about equipment changes I’ve made since attending Tactical Rifle I. Besides the valuable instruction you receive, these courses tend to be an excellent environment for testing your equipment and set up. During TR-I, my preferred weapons mounted lighting option was the Sig STL-300J vertical forward grip. TDI generally frowns on the use of a VFG, as such an attachment adds weight and can get in the way when trying to take a positioned long-distance shot. So for TR-II, I ordered an Inforce Weapon Mounted Light (single function model).
It’s light weight, simple to use, puts out plenty of light for indoor use, and isn’t terribly expensive. TDI recommends this light (among others) and it is a good light. The primary challenge with using this light is where to mount it. Top mounting means your front iron sight will be a significant obstacle. Side mounting makes the light problematic to use around corners on the same side the light is mounted and is awkward to use if you have switch your rifle to your weak side. Bottom mounting the light makes activation of the light awkward with both hands. I need to work more with the Inforce WML, but I’m not throwing out my Sig STL-300J vertical forward grip just yet.
The other equipment change I made was the addition of the Magpul B.A.D. Lever. This is an accessory that was on my radar but I just hadn’t gotten around to trying until it was recommended at TR-I. Overall I found it to be very useful – particularly given how many times during the day during the TR courses which students must clear their chamber and lock the bolt back. However, the activation point on the B.A.D Lever is located directly below the magazine release button – twice during the weekend when I was attempting to perform fast mag changes, I went to close the bolt and instead hit the mag release button. So more practice is needed with this accessory.
TR-II doesn’t present a great deal new information as compared to TR-I but rather reinforces those skills learned in the previous course, with greater emphasis on speed and proper execution. As with TR-I, TR-II has student start with students performing prone supported shooting on mats at 100 yards to verify the zero of all rifles and “warm up.”
Honestly, I had only been out a couple of times since with my rifle since I too TR-I the month prior so I hadn’t had the opportunity to practice like I’d wanted. But after a couple of five-shot strings, I was shooting nice tight groups at 100 yards:
The weather we experienced during this course about as good as you could hope for – high 70’s and sunny both days:
John B. Holbrook, II
John B. Holbrook, II is a freelance writer, photographer, and author of ThruMyLens.org, as well as LuxuryTyme.com and TheSeamasterReferencePage.com.
*All text and images contained in this web site are the original work of the author, John B. Holbrook, II and are copyright protected. Use of any of the information or images without the permission of the author is prohibited.
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