Review of the Zero Tolerance 0393

by | Mar 15, 2018 | Featured, Knives | 2 comments

The ZT 0390 is yet another knife that I saw at SHOT Show 2018 and just didn’t like.  The same thing happened to me last year when I saw the ZT 0850 at SHOT – and yet when I got home I bought one.  With the ZT 0393, I think I had an honest excuses for intially not caring for it.  The design is based on the Rick Hinder Eklipse/0392 colaboration between Zero Tolerance and Rick Hinderer knives – which I never cared for very much.  So I sort of dismissed the knife on that basis without really giving it a fair chance.

Here’s a photo of the ZT 0393 I saw at SHOT Show 2018:

Several limited edition versions of the ZT 0392 Hinderer collaboration knife were produced and all sold out – the collector market snapped them up.  But fans also wanted a non-limited edition, production  version of the knife.  Something that could be used and abused, unlike the expensive “safe queen” limited edition versions fo the ZT 0392.  The ZT 0393 is Zero Tolerance’s response to the market demand.

Thankfully I gave the ZT 0393 a second look when I got back from SHOT, because it really does check a lot of boxes for me.  While I don’t really NEED another 3.5 in. tactical knife, a lighter knife is always worth a look.  The ZT 0393 comes in at an even 5 oz. in total weight.  That’s over a half-ounze lighter than my favorte ZT model, the ZT 0562 CF, and .3 ounces lighter than the ZT 0595.  It’s a noticable difference in hand, but negligible in the pocket.  I work in an office enviornment, so I don’t ever clip a knife to the pockets of my dress pants during the week.  Instead, the knife rides in my pocket.

If carying by the pocket clip is your thing, the 0393 has you covered with a reversable (though tip down only) pocket clip.  I found the stock pocket clip was a bit tight for my liking, and it certainly isn’t of the “deep carry” variety.  Which is fine – I’m almost of the opinion that “deep carry” isn’t really a thing.  If I don’t want someone to know I’m carrying a knife, I’ll put it in my pocket and not use the clip at all – I’ve never seen a “deep carry” design that didn’t leave some part of the knife visible.  Besides not actually concealing the fact you have a knife, deep carry clips can make it more challenging to draw your knife comparted to other design types…not desireable in a defensive scenario.  So I think I actually prefer the clip design of the ZT 0393, but not it’s execution.  From what I underand, you can swap the stock ZT clip out for one of Hinderer’s compatible clips (along with several other hardware components on the knife).  I have to admit that blue anodized Hinderer hardward looks darn nice on this knife from videos I’ve seen.

The ZT 0393 is ergomically similar to several other ZT knives (like the 0562/0562CF) and feels very nice in hand in both forward and reverse grip.  The G10 insert provides some extra traction on the blue anodized titanimum handle scales.  The look of the G10 was initially one of the things I didn’t necessarily care for on the knife, but it’s growing on me.  There’s rumors that eventually either ZT, Hinderer, or some 3rd party will make carbon fiber replacements which would no doubt increase the aesthetic appeal though perhaps at the expense of a high-traction grip.

Zero Tolerance is moving to use CPM 20CV steel on all their knives in 2018, and CPM 20CV is what’s used on the ZT 0393, which is very good news.  CPM 20CV is nearly idential to Bohler M390 which I’ve long praised here on ThruMyLens as about the best choice out there for knife blade steel.  The blade features a Hinderer “spanto” style grind (combining a spear point with a tanto), a harpoon tip, and ZT’s distinctive verticle brushed finish.  The spanto grind is visually distinctive, though not particularly benefitial in any functional way for my useage.  ZT’s vertical brushed finish adds some “bling” factor to the knife, though I’d prefer horizontal grind lines.  It’s more attractive than a stone washed finish, but will show more scratches with use.  I’m also ambiolent regarding the DLC black coating on the top of the blade – I don’t dislike it per se, but the finish does scratch quite easily.  However, since this is a regular production model, sending the knife into ZT for a blade replacement down the road is a happy option.  Overall, I find the blade both attractive and functional for my cutting uses as well as being perfectly suitable for defensive use.

The knife blade is deployed via flipper action, and at the risk of sounding like a broken record with regard to ZT knives, the combination the KVT bearing system and ZT’s mastery of detents, the ZT 0393 boasts a top-tier flipping action that’s both fast and smooth.

Overall I think the ZT 0393 is a keeper for me.  It carries well in most of my M-F pants, and has everything I look for in a knife that can be used for most any utility general cutting purpose, but would also be a good choice for defensive use if needed.  And let’s face it…I’m apparently a sucker for anything blue.

In addition to this written photo review, I’ve also recorded a video with some additional thoughts and footage of the ZT 0393:

The ZT 0393 be purchased on Amazon by clicking here.

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  1. Mike Melnick


    Great review. Thanks! Will the ZT 0393 be replacing your 0562cf? Which one would you chose if you could only keep/have one?


  2. John B. Holbrook, II

    Hi Mike – no, the 0393 won’t be replacing the 0562CF (of which I currently have two examples). As to which I wold keep, it’s too early to tell. I’m still somewhat “honeymooning” with the 0393 so I’ve been carrying it almost every day. Both are great and I’d hate to have to choose.