Last night, I got the the opportunity to do some photography for me – a bit of a luxury. So often I’m working on a deadline (often self-imposed since I’m my own boss now…but still…deadlines are deadlines) for a review or article, and don’t have time to play. Last night I did – so I got out one of my hardest to photograph watches from my collection (my Rolex Submariner reference 16613), my Canon 5D Mark II (mated to my 100mm USM Macro lens) and…played. This was the result after doing some post-photo processing in Photoshop CS 5.1, and OnOne PhotoTools 2.6.
The above shot’s not perfect (it will look better if you click on it and see it full-size) – not by a long shot. But (I’m ashamed to say) this about the best shot I’ve ever gotten of my beloved Rolex Submariner 16613. I’m not done yet – I think I can make some minor improvement…but I’m getting there. 🙂
What do you think?