Today we got our first leaked look at the Fujifilm GFX100RF along with some leaked/rumored specifications.  The leaked image that’s out there of this writing is just a partial view of the top and rear of the camera…a teaser.  Here are the rumored specs:

  • 100 megapixel sensor (same used by the rest of the GFX line).  So Fujifilm considers this a “medium format” camera.
  • GF35mm f4 lens (~27mm/f3.1 in 35mm equivalent).
  • Dedicated aspect ratio selector switch
  • Comes with a high quality strap, a filter adapter, a filter, a square lens hood included in the price.
  • EVF ONLY – no hybrid viewfinder
  • NO D-PAD
  • Should be announced around March 20th.
  • Price:  Rumored to be around $5000.00 US.

Apparently Fuji is going after the Leica Q3.  Wait…what?  Come again?  I suppose on paper, there’s a comparison to be made.  The body is apparently thinner than the Q3, but slightly taller.  Additionally, the lens is considerably shorter.  And the retail price is about $1300 less than a Q3.  But they simply didn’t do the GFX100RF justice.  If they had truly created a competitive camera to the Q3 at that $5000.00 price point, with a lens that was more equivalent to the Summilux 28 f/1.7 ASPH…then maybe.  But this???  f3.2 and no IBIS?  It won’t be impossible to use it in low light conditions without a tripod…but…wow.  And why have “RF” (rangefinder) in the name and cheap out on the hybrid viewfinder Fuji?  Sure…no one actually uses the optical viewfinder on the X100VI, but it’s the principle of it, ya know?  “But John…the GFX100RF is medium format!!”  Ummmm….no.  It’s not:

Medium format is medium format.  What Fujifilm calls medium format falls in between full-frame and true medium format.

I suppose in some respects the $7500 price tag of the interchangeable lens GFX100 II limits how far below you can price the GFX100RF.  But I think they would have been MUCH better off giving the camera a lens more equivalent to the Leica Q3, and charging maybe $6000.00.  Sure, the form factor would have been impacted, but it would still probably be lighter than the Q3 and occupy about the same amount of space.  As it stands, it’s no competition to the Q3.  Worse, the only real competition it has…is another Fujifilm camera.  The X100VI.  The X100VI will be smaller, lighter, and have much better lens…(get the Fuji wide angle lens if you need to shoot wider)…and it’s got a real optical viewfinder if you want to play like it’s a true rangefinder.  “But…but…but John…the GFX100RF is 100 pixels!”  True enough.  But for the price of the GFX100, I can buy three X100VI’s (assuming you can find three…or one…for sale) and have money left over to purchase a nice AI based up-scaling software package than can easily turn my “measly” 40mp crop sensor images to 100mp files.

When I first heard the rumors of the GFX100RF…a medium format fixed lens camera…I thought, “why??”  Then I heard they could make the size closer to a compact point and shoot camera.  That had me interested…for about 30 seconds.  The lens just absolutely ruins it for me, and I can’t imagine who would pay the price for this camera.  For about the same money you can buy a pre-loved Q3.  And for a lot less, you can buy an X100VI.  Both are going to be better photo taking tools.  But hey…at least the GFX100RF comes with a nice strap and filter.



About John B. Holbrook, II
John B. Holbrook, II is a freelance writer, photographer, and author of, as well as and *All text and images contained in this web site are the original work of the author, John B. Holbrook, II and are copyright protected. Use of any of the information or images without the permission of the author is prohibited.