That’s 20 hours of handgun training, on top of my 8 hours concealed carry permit training (CCW) and about 8 hours of private instruction – that’s nearly 40 hours of classroom training, on top of participation in Sim-Trainer’s “Tactical Training Tuesday” (T3 League), and monthly visits to the range. That’s a lot of trigger time. 🙂
The funny thing is, I feel I’ve probably completed the minimum amount of training that a CCW permit holder really should complete. Particularly if the intent of having a CCW is to have a firearm to defend yourself and/or your family should the circumstance warrant it. Which is why most individuals apply for a CCW permit. I’ve been a gun owner for my entire adult life – I can’t remember a time when there wasn’t at least one gun in the house. But in the last year, I feel like I’ve transitioned into being a responsible, armed citizen. And that’s a very good feeling.
I plan to continue to train and develop my skills at both Sim-Trainer and through other resources as well. I hear great things about the courses through Tactical Defense Institute, which isn’t too far from me. And I can re-take any of the classes in the Handgun I-V series at just half price. 😀