Just Ordered The New S&W M&P Shield in 9mm!

by | Apr 12, 2012 | Firearms | 4 comments

Today, Smith & Wesson announced the release of the new M&P Shield in both 9mm and .40S&W:

Screen Capture From Smith-Wesson.com

It’s a single-stack striker fired 9mm (7+1 capacity, 8+1 with the extended magazine) designed to compete with current wave of ultra-compact 9mm models out there (like the Kimber Solo, Ruger LC9, etc.).

Much to my surprise, Smith already has this gun out to dealers (I’ll have the one I ordered next week).  So I placed an order.  I’m only half-interested in it because A)it’s a Smith M&P, and B)while I love my P238, I’d love something sub-compact, striker-fired, AND in 9mm (.380 ammo is expensive).  But it will take one heckuva gun to make me want to use it in place of my P238.  Stay tuned for the review I should publish next week.

For more information, you can click here for the product page on the S&W website.

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  1. jac mills

    Outstanding report on the SW Compact and Shield, even for a guy not used to guns. You have me just about sold on the Shield. Your report was detailed and full of information that I can use to make a decision, yet it is, I am certain, valuable also for the experienced gun owner. Well done, Sir.

  2. Lorrie Creech

    Thank-you, ,I Found your review to be very helpful on deciding which one to buy if you do not have one. I just purchased the shield and love how it fits my small hand.

  3. John B. Holbrook, II

    Hi Lorrie – glad you enjoyed the review and found it to be helpful in your buying process!