Review of the Harris Engineering S-BRM Bipod

by | Mar 28, 2012 | Firearms

A bipod is a very useful accessory for shooting with many different types of long guns.  The purpose of course is to provide a fixed point of stability which will minimize movement of the firearm while aiming in order to improve accuracy.

A bipod provides such a simple, straight forward purpose that it can be easy to assume you don’t need to purchase an expensive one.  There’s certainly many inexpensive solutions out there, but the old adage of “you get what you pay for” certainly applies.  I ordered an el-cheapo generic model, and a screw stripped while installing it on the rail of my AR-15 – so badly that I actually had to use a drill and a Dremel tool to cut the darn thing off my rifle.  I learned my lesson and began to research the quality, trusted names and products in this segment, which lead me to Harris Engineering and the S-BRM Bipod.

Before I get into what I like about the Harris S-BRM Bipod, let me address my one and only complaint.  The S-BRM is not designed out of the box to affix to a standard picatinny rail, and requires one to purchase a separate adapter if you intend to rail mount it to your rifle.  While I completely understand that not all rifles (especially hunting rifles) have rails, I would think for the price of the bipod, they could include an adapter for those customers that do require them.  Fortunately, the adapter isn’t an expensive item to purchase – here’s a link:  Harris Bipod Adaptor Picitinny Mount Compatible .

This minor criticism aside, The Harris S-BRM functions exactly as I would want it to for shooting my AR-15 either seated at a bench/table, or shooting prone:

The construction quality of the S-BRM is excellent, and the legs can extend (much like a camera tripod) for a height adjustment ranging between 6 and 9 inches.  When not in use, the legs conveniently fold up against the underside of the rifle and doesn’t add significantly to the overall weight.   The rubber feet on the ends of the bipod legs also aid to create a stable, “no slip” shooting platform, and the bipod can cant or tilt to either side which is a flexible capability in a number of circumstances.

The retail price of the Harris Engineering S-BRM Bipod is $99.99, but can be found at a discount with free shipping from our friends at Amazon:

Harris Engineering S-BRM Hinged Base 6 – 9-Inch BiPod

Harris Engineering has years of experience making shooting bipods and is the gold standard in the industry.  Learn from my mistake, and buy a quality bipod to begin with, and skip on the Chinese made knock-offs.

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