Review of the Voodoo Tactical Premium Deluxe Shooter’s Mat

by | Mar 23, 2012 | Firearms | 5 comments

Last year, I took an Intermediate Tactical Rifle class with my AR-15.  The majority of that class was spent shooting prone.  My local outdoor range also has several options for shooting prone, and I also plan on taking other classes.  Prior to the previously mentioned class, I hadn’t really thought about shooting prone.  So when I showed up to class, many of the other students had nice mats to lay on when they shot.  Given that I plan on taking many more classes and shooting prone at my local range, I thought I should look into purchasing a mat.

Like most purchases I make, I did a little research, and discovered that VooDoo Tactical makes a shooter’s mat which doubles as a carrying case .  This option made a lot of sense to me because had thought that one of the down sides to having a mat was having one more thing to carry.  Rifle bag, range bag, ammo can…and now a mat.  A combination rifle case and shooter’s mat certainly sounded more efficient to me, so I placed an order for the Voodoo Tactical Premium Deluxe Shooter’s Mat:

While I normally choose black for bags and cases like this, I went with the “ACU Digital Camo” color for this item.  A typical complaint I read about with mat owners is how hot they can get in the sun.  Based on this, I reasoned a lighter color would be a better choice than a darker one.  As you can see in the above photo, this case is quite large – it dwarfs my M&P 15 with a 16″ barrel.  It’s very well constructed, and has several compartments which can be used for magazines, ammunition, or other items.  It also has self-contained shoulder straps for carrying the whole set up on your back like a backpack.

Just unzip a couple of zippers, and the rifle case/drag bag expands to a more than satisfactory shooter’s mat:

I was pretty impressed at how comfortable the mat was to lay on – as you can see I purposely put it down over some gravel.  It’s thick, well-padded construction made a big difference.  If you get the interior or exterior dirty, it would be pretty easy to wipe or even hose down.

Of course, all that size and bulk creates weight – this sucker is pretty heavy.  You definitely won’t want to use this as your primary rifle case.  If you have a decent walk from your vehicle to your chosen shooting position, you’ll likely want to break out the cleverly tucked away shoulder straps on the case which allows the case to be carried on the back.  Or you can simply drag it (it is considered a drag bag) if you so choose.  Even though it’s big and a bit heavy, it does allow you to consolidate two potential items you’d be carrying into one – instead of a rifle back and and separate mat, you just have this to one item to schlep.  🙂   So I consider it a good tradeoff.

If you’re looking for a good shooter’s mat, I highly recommend giving the Voodoo Tactical Premium Deluxe Shooter’s Mat a look.  It does come with a rather “premium deluxe” price tag at nearly $200.00 retail.  But you can save a few bucks by buying it from Amazon:

Voodoo Tactical 15-9334 Shooting Mat and Rifle Drag Bag on

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  1. Mitch Hamm

    Good timing! That’s the one thing I don’t have on the prerequisite list for my upcoming precision rifle course. A couple of questions…

    I already have a custom fitted Pelican 1750 for my bolt gun. Did you find any nice mats that are just mats?

    Also, with this Voodoo of yours, how obtrusive are all of those pockets on the exterior when it’s laid out for shooting?

  2. John B. Holbrook, II

    Mitch – in my research, Midway makes a pretty cheap mat that many swear by, but it gets hot because its black. I was concerned about the pockets as well, but as you can see in my photos, the mat lays pretty flat…wasn’t a problem.

  3. Mitch Hamm

    Thanks for the input John. I did check out Midway and foudn their (new/improved) Pro Series Competition Shooting Mat in OD green. The reviews were excellent and if it’s as good as their range bag the I’ll be very pleased and can use the extra $120 to buy match grade ammo. 🙂

  4. James Lockhart

    Hey, if you have a moment I could really use your help with the voodoo bag/mat. Would you please measure the full length of the rifle restraints (buttstock to muzzle)? I’m just asking because I have a savage 110 that’s 50.5″ total length but I can’t find ANYWHERE that gives the max length of rifle that bag can hold…and it’s hard to find one that long. Also, I can’t tell but does that bag have straps to hold the gun in place?

  5. John B. Holbrook, II

    Hi James – I’m prepping for some travel and will be out out town quite a bit over the next month so I won’t be able to get you a quick answer. I’d recommend calling Voodoo Tactical – I’m sure they can answer this question for you.


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