The Ruger Tactical Tips Podcast

by | Sep 7, 2010 | Firearms

Since making the jump to the iPhone platform three years ago, I’ve been a big fan of podcasts.  I regularly listen to and watch both audio and video podcasts on a variety of topics.  This weekend I was hunting around iTunes to see what was available on the topic of firearms and shooting, and stumbled upon RUGER TACTAL TIPS with Dave Spaulding.  Each of the video segments runs anywhere from 3-5 minutes and is extremely well done with high production quality and valuable content.

To Ruger’s credit, they didn’t make this heavy on commercial or promotional content either.  Their logo shows up in the show’s opening, and Spaulding wears Ruger logo clothing, and shoots a Ruger SR9 (I happen to own the compact version of the same weapon – the Ruger SR9c) in the videos.  But that’s as commercial as it gets.  Instead, the content focuses on demonstration and instruction.  This isn’t “weekend Rambo” stuff either – this is very practical, useful firearm self-defense information with an emphasis on safety and personal protection.

According to his website Dave Spaulding is the 2010 Law Officer Trainer of the Year, which was awarded at the 2010 International Law Enforcement Trainers and Educators Association’s Conference in Chicago. He is also a 30+ year Law Enforcement & Federal Security Contractor veteran.  In terms of both personal experience, and the ability to train and instruct, you couldn’t ask for a better individual.  He does an excellent job and will definitely hold your attention.

If you don’t watch any of the other video segments (I watched them all), do watch the segments on Clearing your home (searching room to room for an intruder) and the segment on your safe room.  These segments demonstrate how that, in the event of a home invasion you’re much better off taking a defensive position then going out into the house to find and confront intruders.  It will really make you think about your personal defense strategy as it relates to your home.

RUGER TACTAL TIPS with Dave Spaulding is free on iTunes – definitely check it out.

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