Awesome Video Using The New Canon EF 8-15 f/4L!

by | Oct 14, 2010 | Equipment, Featured, Photography | 1 comment

You’ll definitely want to check out the super-cool HD video “WITH” which Canon produced using the soon-to-be-released (January?) EF 8-15 f/4L Fisheye lens, and both the Canon 5DMark II, and Canon 7D.  Equally nifty is the making of video – I’ve gotta get one of the remote control helicopters I’m seeing more an more used in producing these kinds of videos.   Just click here to see the videos on Canon’s site.

I currently own the Canon EFS-10-22  f/3.5-4 which I’ve used quite a bit with the Canon 7D.  The 10-22 is almost a necessity if you want to true-wide angle shots on a crop factor sensor body, and you do get some fish-eye type effect wide open.  The nice thing about this new lens is that it is an EF “L” series lens which can be used on both full-frame and crop body sensors.

Once they’re available, I’ll reach out to Canon Professional Services and get one to review, which I’ll post here on ThruMyLens.

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1 Comment

  1. frank heath

    Wow… what an unbelievable presentation, you find the “coolest” stuff.


  1. Canon has a VERY cool video filmed using the new EF 8-15 f/4L on their website>>>>>> - [...] video filmed using the new EF 8-15 f/4L on their website>>>>>> Check it out! Awesome Video Using The New…