You’ll definitely want to check out the super-cool HD video “WITH” which Canon produced using the soon-to-be-released (January?) EF 8-15 f/4L Fisheye lens, and both the Canon 5DMark II, and Canon 7D. Equally nifty is the making of video – I’ve gotta get one of the remote control helicopters I’m seeing more an more used in producing these kinds of videos. Just click here to see the videos on Canon’s site.
I currently own the Canon EFS-10-22 f/3.5-4 which I’ve used quite a bit with the Canon 7D. The 10-22 is almost a necessity if you want to true-wide angle shots on a crop factor sensor body, and you do get some fish-eye type effect wide open. The nice thing about this new lens is that it is an EF “L” series lens which can be used on both full-frame and crop body sensors.
Once they’re available, I’ll reach out to Canon Professional Services and get one to review, which I’ll post here on ThruMyLens.
Wow… what an unbelievable presentation, you find the “coolest” stuff.