Photographs From The Cincinnati Zoo
By: John B. Holbrook, II
September 2nd, 2005
I took Karen and my son John to the Cincinnati Zoo this weekend and we not only had a wonderful time, but I came away with some spectacular photos. Fortunately the weather was picture perfect, and the animals all seemed to want to pose for the camera. Here’s a few of the better shots:
My favorite tiger shot:
The “big cats” are some of my favorite animals. Here’s a nice cheetah photo:
The “cats” really are quite beautiful…and he looks friendly too…maybe I’ll just hop over the fence and pet him. Here kitty-kitty….
OK…maybe not one of my brighter ideas….here’s a few more cats from the zoo:
Of course, there are lots of other wonderful animals besides cats to see at the zoo. There are polar bears…
Of course, there are the extra large sized monkeys too….
Gorillas are funny creatures….as this photo demonstrates, they’re cute when they’re young, but they are far less so as adults…
I hope you enjoyed this little virtual tour of the Cincinnati Zoo!
*All photos and text on this site are copyright protected and may not be used without the express permission of the author.