Photos in Downtown Miamisburg

by | Apr 5, 2024 | Featured, Photography

I’ve lived in Miamisburg Ohio for practically the entire time I’ve lived in Ohio – over 25 years.  And I recently realized that I’ve never just done a photo tour of the charming downtown area.  But between the fact that I recently picked up the Voigtlander 50mm F1.0 for the Canon RF platform, (click here for the review) and the fact that I’ve been trapped inside all winter, I decided to rectify my decades long oversight.  Like many little cities, towns, and burgs, the city of Miamisburg has been trying to hard to revitalize the downtown area.  In recent years, they’ve been giving out tax breaks to business that operate on the “main drag” in Miamisburg, and as of this writing are nearing completion of a Riverscape project similar to what Downtown Dayton did twenty years ago.  So there’s several eclectic business located in this area that probobly couldn’t survive without all the citiy’s incentives – an old record store, a comic book store, a candy shop…you get the idea.  I feel bad I don’t go downtown more often – we’re only a couple miles outside the downtown area in the suburbs.  I pass by it often as I have to go downtown to get to my gun club to go shoot.  A couple of times a year my wife and I will go to TJ Chumps to eat (so-so food, but really nice patio).  And usually when we do we visit Grandpa Joe’s Candy Shop (old fashion candy and soft drinks) or grab an ice cream cone.   But beyond that, we don’t have may compelling reasons to go downtown.   But one evening after work, I hustled downtown bring just my Canon R5 and my new Voigtlander 50mm F 1.0 to do some street photography.  I wanted to get some practice in as I don’t typically shoot with a 50mm prime (or even do street photography for that matter).  Most of these photos were taken between F1.8 and F2.0:



I stitched together several photos of this mural to create a panorama.


It was early Spring, so as the sun began to set it was getting pretty chilly.  But I thought this was a good street photography tune up and good experience shooting with just a 50mm prime.