Photos of the Riverscape Fireworks Celebration in Dayton Ohio

by | Jul 4, 2010 | Featured, Photography | 1 comment

July 3rd, downtown Dayton Ohio held their annual 4th of July fireworks celebration and I brought my Canon 7D along.  These photos were taken with both the Canon EF-S 10-22/3.5-4.5 USM Lens, and the Canon EF 24 – 105 mm F4.0L.  Just click on the photos to see a larger view.

The Riverscape fountains:

As I do every Independence Day, I wore my “4th of July Rolex”:

As the sun went down, people gathered along the river for the fireworks show which started at 10pm.

1 Comment

  1. Thomas

    Some really great shots, John! I love that sunburst red, white and blue firework second from the bottom, and the fountain display looks really crisp.


  1. 4th of July Fireworks Photos from Dayton, Ohio>>>>>> - [...] area in downtown Dayton some pretty nice shots. Check 'em out on ThruMyLens: Photos of the Riverscape Fireworks…