Professional Photoshoot Using an iPhone 3Gs!

by | Jul 8, 2010 | iPhone/iPad, Photography

It just goes to show that the type of camera you are using is the least important element to producing professional photography.  Just ask professional fashion photographer Lee Morris who did an entire fashion shoot with…an iPhone 3Gs!  Not even the new iPhone 4 mind you (which has a much upgraded camera) but rather with the previous generation iPhone 3Gs.  Here’s a sample of Lee’s photo shoot:

Photo by Lee Morris

Here’s a YouTube video of the fashion shoot:

And here’s a link to the photos that were produced during the shoot.

Pretty amazing stuff!  Clearly the lighting and his Photoshop skills made up for the deficiencies in the iPhone 3Gs.  I can’t help but wonder what his photos would have looked like with an iPhone 4.