If you’re in the Palm Springs area, I highly recommend Indian Canyon, and nearby Andreas Canyon – here’s a link with some information about Indian Canyons.
The adventure was probably more physically demanding than what I had expected. We golfed 18 holes earlier that morning, so I wasn’t exactly coming into things fresh. Nor am I a hardcore, experienced hiker by any stretch of the imagination. And I made the mistake of bringing my largest camera gear sling bag loaded down with lenses and a 2nd camera body. But the experience was quite rewarding and I got some really amazing photos. As always, simply click on the photos below to see a larger view. The photos and below video were taken with my Canon 5D Mark II and my 17-40L and 24-105L lenses.
Here’s the view from the parking lot of the winding trail you drive on to get to Indian Canyon:
There’s a small “Trading Post” (gift shop) at the top of the parking lot:
We first hiked down the trails at Indian Canyons to check out the waterfall. Plenty of photo ops were found along the way:
Here’s the waterfall:
I had my new Lum-Tec M27 on during the adventure:
An oasis in the middle of the desert:
We then drove a couple of miles over to Andreas Canyon and did some more hiking:
I also put together a short video of our hiking experience in Indian Canyon:
The video is recorded in HD and best viewed in full-screen mode by clicking on the video and going to YouTube.
Thanks for looking!