Photos From New York City

by | Jul 30, 2010 | Featured, Travel | 2 comments

I visit New York City about once or twice a year as part of what I do in the luxury watch industry.  I absolutely love the city and always enjoy the time I spend there.  Don’t get me wrong – I don’t think I could ever live in NewYork – and I will never understand how people do.  But it sure is a wonderful place to visit, and a photographer’s paradise.

In most cases, I document my visits in a photo journalistic style – rarely have I ever taken the time to go back over my shots and doing something more artistic with them.  Usually it’s just “bang out the shots, and get the story out.”  But my visit this past May was a really good one – with my friend, fellow photographer, and NYC Tour Guide John Rigano, we took advantage of some really good weather and got some great photos.  As always, just click on any of these photos to bring up the enlarged view.  Enjoy!

From the Empire State Building:

Had to sneak in a wrist shot with this wonderful view in the background:

Times Square:

Ellis Island:

The Statue Of Liberty:

Here’s an “artistic” HDR version of the above shot:

The Pier A Merchant Marine Memorial:

Here’s a crop of the above photo with additional HDR processing applied to give it a “painting” look:

Columbus Circle:

Central Park:

The New York Stock Exchange – from Washington’s perspective:

These photos were taken with my Canon 7D, and processed in Adobe Photoshop CS5, and Oloneo PhotoEngine Beta 1.  My Canon EF-S 10-22 and EF 28-105L  are my favorite “walk around” lenses with my 7D, and were used for most of these photos.  If you’d like to read the article I did using these and other photos, just click here to read about the 2010 NYC Watch Enthusiast Get Together on WATCH TALK FORUMS.


  1. Morten Olesen

    Fabolous photos!
    My favourite is no. 8 – it would do good as a large poster!

  2. Jim S

    Love u’r pics. Thanks


  1. Photos From New York City>>>>>>> - [...] I took my time this week, and some additional photo editing on the best of the bunch. Have a…